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Why Are You Working So Hard?

Why Are You Working So Hard?

Is it for your family? Do you want to make sure that you are taking care of your daughter or your son and attaining more freedom in your life? Do you want to live life to the fullest and provide for yourself and family? Create your future and take control of your...
How to Grow Your Business: Mind and Goal Setting

How to Grow Your Business: Mind and Goal Setting

Having the strong “why” will keep you the right mindset to move forward to reaching your goals. Ask yourself, “Why am I really in this business?”. If you are in this business for a paycheck, your mentality is not gonna last that long. It is not a wrong...
The Dickens Process

The Dickens Process

This self meditation will allow you to change any bad habits, any bad thoughts that have been this stuck in your life. There are two driving forces, pain and pleasure. Think about why you are working so hard? What is your leverage? What are the two things that are...
Change and Challenges: The Pathway to Success

Change and Challenges: The Pathway to Success

How big are your dreams? What is blocking you from getting there? Go back to your goals and reconnect with your “Why”- your compelling desire to win. And while going through achieving your goals, know that change is inevitable, you will need to sacrifice something,...