First you need to have Commitment. When you’re not fully committed and when there’s a door open, you can’t fully optimize your power. Being committed will unleash your full power. You will only be wasting your time if you’re not fully committed.
Second, is Attitude. Maintain an attitude and see it through. It’s all about perspective. You decide on what is hard and what is easy.
Next is having a Champion Mentality. Think of it like a game and win it. Do not think about the difficulties; like it’s too far, it takes so much time. Instead, look forward to creating memories with your team and making them happy. You’re making the outside things to make it happen
Fourth is the most vital, having a Student Mentality. Ask yourself, do I have a student mentality? A leader asks questions they don’t know about instead of feigning ignorance.
You also need to have the Work Ethic. If you’re lazy, you are not fit for the business.
Lastly, Consistency has always been the key. Find something good that motivates you. Have something that could change your perspective. Find what joy you can find in the field, once you have something that works stick to it. When you’re enjoying it and having fun, the money comes.
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